-Priyanka Chakraborty, Amity University Kolkata
It was established that stem cells present in hair follicle reside in low oxygen availability and hence uses glucose rather than glutamine metabolism as a source of energy. This shift is perpetually done by Rictor signalling and oxygen concentration. Stem cells can be developed accordingly to prevent Hair loss.
Hair loss is so naturally accepted by human beings that the seriousness of the issue is not taken into consideration. On average, 500 million cells and 100 hairs fall everyday recording an equal of 1.5 g. The root cause of hair loss is said to be its’ metabolism characters. The hair follicle stem cells are metabolically adroit at tolerating oxygen conditions lower than the skin’s surface. The daughter cells not so much. They rely on phosphorylation and glutamine metabolism. According to the researchers, preventing hair loss requires cells to be flexible. They must be able to turn to glycolysis when required. Absence of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2)-Akt results in failure of this turnaround and defective hair follicle symptoms occur.
Exposure of pollution on hair surface damages the sensitive hair cells. These cells need to be constantly removed and renewed. The health of the stem cell also relies on tissue functioning, compromised functions leads to degeneration and ageing. Interestingly, the characteristics of stem cells and daughter cells are different and so are their metabolic characters. Rictor, a very useful molecular component is widely responsible for the functioning of the mTOR pathway, which further regulates the process of growth, oxygen consumption and energy of the hair cells.
The main purpose of this research was to understand the phase shift required to avoid the ageing in hair. It was established that stem cells present in hair follicle reside in low oxygen availability and hence uses glucose rather than glutamine metabolism as a source of energy. This shift is perpetually done by Rictor signalling and oxygen concentration. In trails of mice, glutamine metabolism was seen restoring the functions lost in Rictor deficient, proving that by changing certain mechanisms hair loss and ageing characteristics can be avoided.
The future goal for the scientists is to understand if these preclinical findings are useful for human stem cells and if there is a possibility to harness this knowledge in saving the hair from ageing.
Christine S. Kim, Xiaolei Ding, Kira Allmeroth, Leah C. Biggs, Olivia I. Kolenc, Nina L’Hoest, Carlos Andrés Chacón-Martínez, Christian Edlich-Muth, Patrick Giavalisco, Kyle P. Quinn, Martin S. Denzel, Sabine A. Eming, Sara A. Wickström, Glutamine Metabolism Controls Stem Cell Fate Reversibility and Long-Term Maintenance in the Hair Follicle, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2020.08.011
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