Sumedha Guha, Techno India University To date we have known the best cure for muscle repair, damage and growth to be exercise. Rehabilitation work, physiotherapy and exercise has been a challenge for patients recovering from major operations or patients regaining voluntary control of their limbs after a long period of inaction. Associate Professor Alfredo Franco-Obregon […]
Shambhavi Tiwari, Amity University, Noida. Roy T. Bennet, in his book, The Light in the Heart, quoted, “Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.” You won’t start following your heart literally. But just give a thought to how conveniently we use the term ‘heart’ in our general conversations. […]
Pratyushee Ghosh, Amity University Kolkata Unkempt public bathrooms are the site of worst nightmares, but it’s highly unlikely (though not impossible) that they’ll impart you with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). STDs are infections that are spread from one person to a different, usually during vaginal, anal, and perversion. They’re common, and many individuals who have them don’t have any symptoms. Without treatment, […]
The fusion of Human cells within monkey embryos
Aakancha Shaw, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata In an attempt to investigate how the monkey embryos and human embryos function alongside, scientists discovered the world’s first monkey embryos containing human cells. Fascinating, right? The embryos were derived from a macaque and then injected with human stem cells in the lab, these were then allowed to grow […]